It's fitting that Peter Gillis' favourite childhood character is the one he ended up having the longest association with. When asked recently what appealed to him so about Doctor Strange , he replied "I think the limitless possibilities of it... I looked at Steve Ditko's Dr Strange universes and just said, I want to participate in that. And Strange's stories were different... he was the epitome of cool. He didn't wear shoes. He had a flowing blouse and a cape. And a moustache. And could open doors and space with a gesture." What more could you possibly want? Gillis' Strange stories pretty much spanned the length of his decade at Marvel, starting with this early leftover... Marvel Fanfare #8 (1983) - Doctor Strange Pencils: Carmine Infantino Inks: P Craig Russell Fanfare published a lot of inventory stories, i.e. fill-in issues that were kept for emergencies. Inventory that had passed its use by date often wound up as Fanfare fare. Such is the fate of ...
Being a reasonably chronological retrospective re-read of writer Peter B. Gillis' published comic books.