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Showing posts from February, 2025

33: Shattered Dreams

On his return to the title, Peter Gillis largely ignored everything that had occurred in his absence, throwing Shatter into a new exotic locale and firmly into the deep end. Shatter #5-8 (1986-7) Pencils: Steve Erwin Digital Inks: Bob Dienethal Herbert Philbrick, aka Shatter (his many aliases make for interesting Googling), is press ganged into a Third World War he was previously blissfully ignorant of. His rescuer of sorts is a 7 foot warrior woman Worker Ravenant, neutered and steroided from birth. The tough as nails Ravenant makes for a likeable addition to the cast, although she ends up relegated to a sidekick role. She also comes with an army of RNA enhanced machine gun toting monkeys. Gillis is quick to re-establish the authenticity of the RNA process, using it as the driving force of the storyline. For plot reasons, RNA skills transfer is temporary on everyone but Shatter, who can absorbs skills permanently. This means he's a very wanted man, with scientists even growing a ...

32: Shattered Hopes

In the mid 80's, Peter Gillis frequented a Chicago bar, where he bonded with Epic Illustrated artist Mike Saenz over their shared passion for the newly released Apple Macintosh. Saenz was fascinated by the artistic potential of computers, so together they developed an innovative technique which made it possible to produce comics on these rudimentary machines. Before graphics tablets and hard drives, Saenz was limited to drawing with a mouse on a tiny monochrome screen in MacPaint, then printing the results on a dot matrix to colour by hand. The pair put an all digital proposal together called  Shatter , which Marvel passed on, so hometown company First Comics wound up publishing the world's "first computerised comic" . Shatter Special (1985) Art: Mike Saenz The 28 page proof of concept Shatter special was a marketing triumph. Possibly First's top selling single issue, it sold out, even on the second printing. The curiosity factor of a comic produced almost entirel...

31: Eternally Dumped

The Eternals #5-8 (1986) Pencils: Sal Buscema Inks: Sal Buscema, Danny Bulanadi In this middle act of the story, Kro steals the essence of a Celestial from Ikaris' vault, but it winds up in the wrong scaly hands of Ghaur. Thena rescues her ex Kro from certain death at Ikaris' hands, so the rekindled lovers end up on the run from Eternal and Deviant alike. The mismatched pair make an oddly charming couple, risking all for a forbidden love. Again, the action zips along at a fair old pace, although there's more room here for character introspection. There's a particularly affecting scene where Ikaris recalls his son of the same name. Gillis always seems stronger and more comfortable in these quiet moments. Kirby's Eternals, humans and Deviants can easily be dismissed as counterparts to angels, humans and demons, but Gillis offered a more complex view. To him the divides mirror the class struggle, or to dig deeper, the id, ego and superego. Which is why he was keen to p...

30: Eternally Yours

I've covered Peter Gillis' Eternals warm-up here and here . Suffice to say, when What If and Micronauts editor Ralph Macchio was assigned a 12 issue Eternals maxi-series, Eternals expert Gillis seemed the obvious choice to write it... "My feeling about The Eternals, is that this is what I came to Marvel to do. This is my chance to do prime Marvel Comics, with the sense of grandeur, combined with the sense of fun. Sal and I are doing our tribute to Jack Kirby with this book. It's one of the most quintessentially Marvel books that we've done." The Eternals #1-4 (1985) Pencils: Sal Buscema Inks: Al Gordon, Keith Williams Following their mass migration to Titan in the Avengers, only a handful of Eternals remain on Earth. Thena becomes leader after the death of her father Zuras, although Ikaris, Makkari and Kingu are too preoccupied with continuing their neverending conflict with the Deviants to pay much heed. The Deviants are also undergoing a leadership chang...

29: Micronauts: Strange New Worlds

With the Microverse on the brink of self destruction, the Micronauts return to the epicentre of the madness: their Homeworld. Micronauts: The New Voyages #17 (1986) Pencils: Howard Bender Inks: Danny Bulanadi The first of two late fill-ins from predominantly DC penciler Bender. It's nice clean art, but rather old fashioned compared to Jones. There is a wonderfully inventive four page sequence where the scene splits in two vertically down the page. Huntarr and Mari have a heart to heart on the left, while the action builds on the right, before it joins back up again. The beleaguered Micros return home to finally save their old pal Devil from a broken transporter tube. Unfortunately what they end up freeing is the twisted form of Homeworld's Worldmind in Devil's body. Bill Mantlo established the concept of the Worldmind as a Gaia like soul of Acroyear's ex-planet Spartak. Gillis extended this notion, so that every planet has a distinct Worldmind. As Homeworld was left a f...

28: Micronauts: Altered States

Cancellation of New Voyages (due to the impending New Universe or simply low sales, take your pick) was announced before the title even entered its second year. Thankfully a stay of execution enabled them to properly conclude what became an epic 20 issue storyline. Micronauts: The New Voyages #13 (1985) Pencils: Kelley Jones Inks: Danny Bulanadi, Kelley Jones Scion guides the Micronauts to their original intended holiday destination, Fiome. There's little time for chillaxing though, as Scion has his sights on Zodiac Keys that are powering the locals' blob shaped chitin starships. The Keys are mystical MacGuffins from one of Mantlo's sagas, here recast as part of the language of the Makers. More wonderfully odd sci-fi and great character work on display here, beautifully delineated by Jones and Bulanadi. Micronauts: The New Voyages #14 (1985) Pencils: Kelley Jones Inks: Danny Bulanadi Next stop on Scion's magical mystery tour is the planet Aegis, which to the Micronauts ...

27: Micronauts: Wall-E

Here begins the middle act of the New Voyages saga, where it ratchets up a notch into something truly special. Following their new adventures into the unknown, the Micronauts began to get pulled back into the familiar, with various concepts from the first series making a reappearance. Micronauts: The New Voyages #9-10 (1985) Pencils: Kelley Jones Inks: Bruce Patterson Picking up on Mantlo and Guice's final panel, ex Micronaut Devil finds himself reborn on a desolate ruined Homeworld. Essentially a pink version of the furry Beast, he shares a neverending life cycle with the pixie like Fireflyte, reborn once the other dies. The terrified Devil gets twisted in a transporter tube, psychically broadcasting a distress signal to Commander Rann. Devil's matrix ends up in the latest incarnation of Biotron (yes, Gillis brought the annoying droids back again, presumably chiefly for this plot device). Rann, feeling his thousand year age and full of self doubt over recent errors in judgemen...

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