Micronauts: The New Voyages #5 (1985) Pencils: Kelley Jones Inks: Pat Redding Following the peril and deathtraps of the opening issues, the Micronauts take advantage of the hospitality of small, friendly, shapeshifting aliens (known as the Children of the Dreaming Star) they met on the mirror world. Jones draws fantastic alien tech. The impossible science of the Microverse bothered Gillis; Homeworld looks like a model of a molecule, with dowels connecting spheres. So who exactly made this crazy thing became a driving force of the storyline. Here the big cosmic revelation is that from a distance, their galaxy resembles a DNA spiral. Overall this issue is a welcome respite with nice, gentle character building. Each of the Micronauts bear emotional scars from their long battles, and must learn how to live again in times of peace. Micronauts: The New Voyages #6 (1985) Pencils: Kelley Jones Inks: Bruce Patterson Bill Mantlo established a love triangle of sorts between Rann, Mari a...
Being a reasonably chronological retrospective re-read of writer Peter B. Gillis' published comic books.