Marvel Premiere #54 (1980) Pencils: Gene Day Inks: Tony DeZuniga "The coming of Caleb Hammer. Created and written by Peter Gillis" goes the byline. A 1890 priest turned Pinkerton law enforcer might seem an odd choice for his first published creation, although apparently Westerns (and the lack thereof) were a frequent discussion in the Marvel offices at the time. Contrary to the rootin tootin Cockrum cover, Hammer hated guns, blaming them for the death of his wife and brother. He took outlaws down with his fists, and the occasional well aimed bullet to the shoulder. I'm a sucker for a good old school Western, and this is an enjoyable and impressively constructed one, just lacking Gillis idiosyncrasies he developed over time. The underrated Gene Day does a lovely classic European style job on pencils. A Western at the start of the 80's was a risky prospect, so sadly no surprise that Hammer never received a second outing. He did pop up briefly in 2000's Wild West ...
Being a reasonably chronological retrospective re-read of writer Peter B. Gillis' published comic books.